Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Velux windows

After more travails we get the Velux windows in but I don't like them at all. They look cheap and tacky and not at all worth £1,000 each. Hate the huge profile at the junction and am seriously considering removing them and replacing with frameless glazing (much to Makiko's horror).

My only hope is their impact is much reduced when the slate is installed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, they're not that great are they, but I think they'll look better when the slate is up.

Given most applications are not usually in a place people will look I think they get away with it most of the time.

As for frameless windows, I think you'll want something you can open in the summer to exit heat. This is one thing that Velux do well. Functionally they're good.

We put all our Velux windows on the north side of the building to get the quality of light, but not the heat.

If you're anything like me this will be one of the things you'll worry about but few others will notice. Welcome to the obsessive-about-details-club. (Ps my wife didn't fully understand either)