Friday, August 11, 2006


Apply for a water connection at Scottish Water. Read their connections site.
BT: somehere on here

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I am currently evaluating our designs based on daylight and sun angles (azimuth and altitude). Intersting reading here (a word doc file from Heriott Watt University). 'Borrowed' from that file are these diagrams - all for 55N = Edinburgh.

Basically the long aspect of our plot is 26degrees west of due south - or south by south west. Which is okay. The bad thing is we need to locate our house at the westerly end - planning restrictions meaning our garden will be on the east side rather than the west...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am currently working on the design of our house. It is difficult because one of the main limiting factors is what will be acceptable to the planners but I have no feel for what that is. I have read the planning history and the restrictions on the previous submission but I don't know how far this can be pushed.

So far I have worked within the 'envelope' of the existing planning application with respect to eaves and ridge heights - with some amendment. I will ask my sister, also an architect and Edinburgh resident, to meet the planners with my proposals and try to get a feel for what will be possible.

So that's why this blog is going slowly. Here is a historical image of the area surrounding my plot, remarkably similar to as it is now, a testement both to Scottish frugality and the conservation movement: